Many of you have requested details for the Central Championships taking place on Sunday 6 November. Unfortunately no meet information has been published. However, the following information is what I have been able to pull together from a number of sources:
Date: Sunday 6 November
Venue: Grangemouth Sports Centre
Events: 10 & under 50m fly, back, breast, free
11-12 100m fly, back, breast, free
13-14 100m fly, back, breast, free
15 & over 100m fly, back, breast, free
Cost per event: £4
Closing date for entries: To be confirmed
There is a meeting of the Central Committee taking place on Wednesday evening where hopefully the above meet information will be confirmed, along with the closing date for entries. The Head Coach has requested as full attendance as possible from the whole club.
If you wish to enter, please e-mail with the name of the swimmer and the events they want to enter. Payment can be made next Saturday at the University Pool.
Richard Gordon
Gala Entries