Sorry for the delay! But, I need to say to everyone who volunteered at last weekend's gala a very, very big thank you. To the people who ran the door, those who looked after the officials , ran the raffle and were just there to officiate, even though their kids were not involved, and to everyone else, really I could just go on, but it is so much appreciated. Some feedback that we have had has been really, really complimentary including the very positive comments from the referee, which is massive. Moreover, what pleased me the most was the contribution of the parents who really came out and more than did their bit, for me, this was the best thing about the meet. I cannot emphasise the importance of their contribution enough.
In the light of this success, I would like to add my hopes that the club can continue to grow and develop this positive relationship between club, parent and swimmer and facilitate the future growth of Stirling Swimming. Well done everyone!
Kind regards
Jim Smith