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Monday, 21 November 2011

Club Championships, December 9th - Volunteers to help on the evening

Hello parents and friends of Stirling Swimming
As you know ( I hope) the Stirling Swimming Club Championships 2011 are being held on the evening of Friday 9th of December at Stirling University Pool. In order for it to go ahead and be a success, not only does it need our very talented swimmers to compete, it also requires you, the friends and parents of the club, to help out.

There are several areas that we need your help.
a) We need people selling programmes at the doors.
b) We need people to help marshal the swimmers to their races.
c) We need people to time keep and judge.
d) We need people to help the recorder ( anyone interested in learning how to use the electronics for the races? We need a few to learn)
d) We need help to sell raffle tickets and donations to the raffle that will be held on the night too.

Can you help out at all?
If you can then please contact me, Anne Wilson, via email ( or sign up on the list on the notice board at Stirling University foyer at the pool. And please don't forget, swimmers must have entered by 5pm December 3rd. The gala desk will be open for entries on Saturday 26th of November and 3rd December and there is a list on the Stirling University notice board. I look forward to hearing from you and hoping you can give us a hand to make the night a success for everyone.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, If I don't know the answer I will guide you to the person who has.

Best wishes