Monday 26th September 2011, 6.30-8.30pm
@ the Tennis Centre Meeting Room (The Gannochy)
All members of Stirling Swimming Club are cordially invited to attend our AGM on Monday 26th September. As well as hearing reports on the past year, from a swimming, management and financial perspective, the AGM will make appointments to the Management Committee and set membership and squad fees for 2011-12. This year we will also be introducing a revised Club Development Plan for the period 2011-2015, so I hope as many people as possible will come along to hear about the future direction of the Club.
According to the Club Constitution all current office bearers need to be re-elected at the AGM. The relevant posts elected at the AGM are: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Programming Convenor, Promotions Convenor. Nominations may therefore be submitted for any of these positions, and should be submitted to Donna Adam at 3 Cedar Grove, Menstrie, Clackmannanshire, FK11 7DY or sent by email to by Wednesday 14th September at the latest. Please not that we are, in particular, seeking nominations for Secretary, as Donna has indicated her intention to step down this year. All the other post holders have agreed to be re-nominated for another year.
If you have any questions regarding the AGM, please feel free to contact me on I also hope to see you on the 26th.
Best regards,
David Rogerson
President, Stirling Swimming