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Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Scottish Gas National Short Course Championships 2010

Session Times

Sessions will be the same for each day apart from Sunday.


Morning                                   Afternoon                                 Finals

Warm Up:         07.00                Warm Up:         12.15                Warm Up:         16.30

Start:                08.45                Start                 13.15                Start:                17.30


Please note:  7 lanes will be available from 7.00 am and 10 lanes from 7.30am


Sunday only – please note time of finals warm up and start

Warm Up:         07.00                Warm Up:         12.15                Warm Up:         15.30

Start:                08.45                Start:                13.15                Start:                16.30


Information Pack

An envelope containing a Meet Programme, Warm Up Schedule, Presentation Schedule, Estimated Time Line, Team Lines and Meal Tickets will be available from the information desk for each club on arrival.


A team managers meeting will take place at 07.15 on Friday 15th January in the briefing room on the left hand side of the main entrance.



All withdrawals must be made on the official forms provided.


Late withdrawals and withdrawals from Finals must be made at the recorders desk as normal.  In the interests of all competitors a rigorous approach will be taken to ensure compliance with the withdrawals procedures.



Any withdrawals from heats on day one must be notified by email to no later than 6.00 pm on Thursday 14th January.  Withdrawals from days two and three, not previously notified, must be posted at the Recorders Desk, not later than 6.00 pm on the day prior to the event.



Withdrawals must be notified to the Recorders Desk within thirty minutes of the final’s list being posted and announced.  NB:  Reserves must marshal for the finals unless they are officially withdrawn.

Must be notified to the recorders desk.


800 & 1500 – Please ensure that you are familiar with the procedures for these events – if in doubt please speak to either of the Meet Directors or the Recorders.


In the case of a competitor, not previously withdrawn, who fails to appear for heats or finals or who has withdrawn outwith the designated time frame, the competitor shall pay, without excuse (except in the case of genuine illness or proven emergency) a fine of £10.00 per incident. Any competitor withdrawing from a final in such a manner as to prevent a reserve taking part (except as stated above) shall be suspended immediately from all further events at the Championships.


Please Note:   Any late withdrawals from Heats and Finals on medical grounds should be discussed with the Meet Director prior to submission to the Recorders.


Information and Recorders Desk

Information Desk:  This is located at the entrance to the changing village in the main foyer.


Recorders Desk:    This is located at the starting end of the pool in the first row of seating.


Warm Up/Swim Down

Guidelines for the effective running of warm-ups will be enclosed in your information pack.  Please note that there may be split warm-ups and we would ask that you co-operate with the marshals, especially in respect of lingering at the lane ends.  There must be no diving other than in Sprint Lanes, as notified, and absolutely no diving in the 4 x 25m pool.


The 4 x 25m pool will be available for additional warm-ups and for swim downs throughout the Competition.  We would ask you to ensure that your swimmers respect this facility and keep noise to an absolute minimum so as not to disturb those about to compete.  Should this facility be misused it will be withdrawn.


Start Sheets and Results

Start Sheets (for clubs) – These will be available from the Information Desk, on production of a coach’s pass, before and during each session on the basis of one per ten swimmers per club.  Additional copies may be purchased from the Information Desk.


Results – Will be available from the Information Desk on production of a coach’s pass, as above.  Additional copies may be purchased from the Information Desk.



Marshalling:  Competitors, including reserves, are requested to report to the call room 15 min in advance of heats/finals.  It is essential that swimmers marshal at the call room.  Swimmers who fail to do so will be deemed to have withdrawn from the event.


Seating:  For teams/competitors will be available as follows:


Teams and spectators will be allocated seating as directed by the Stewards.


 Extreme care should be taken when entering and leaving this area as the stairs will inevitably become wet and slippery.  Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times.



Over the top starts will be used in heats, where appropriate.

All starts will take place from the scoreboard end of the pool.  When the instruction from the Referee is given to ‘leave the water’, competitors should exit from either side of the pool to retrieve their belongings but are asked to wait until the next race is underway before leaving the starting area.  In the finals sessions all swimmers should exit the pool by the far side.


Personal Belongings

Competitors are strongly advised not to leave personal belongings in the changing rooms unless secured in a locker.  Valuable items should be deposited with the team staff and not taken to the marshalling or start areas.  Please bring to the attention of your swimmers that a charge of £7.50 will be made by Tollcross Leisure Centre in the event of lockers keys being lost.


Clothes baskets will be available at each lane end and competitors are recommended to make use of them.



Presentations will take place according to the presentation schedule.  Competitors are requested to comply with the schedule and any alterations (announced/published) to it.  The assembly point for medallists will be at the far side of the pool at the start end (Lane 1 side). 

Should a competitor be unavailable to attend the presentation ceremony a representative may stand in.  This should be notified to the marshal.


It is the responsibility of the Coach/Team Manager to ensure that medallists or a deputy be available for presentation as per the presentation schedule, a copy of which will be included in you information pack and posted around the pool.

Failure of a swimmer or deputy to attend the appropriate presentation will result in the swimmer forfeiting his/her medal.


Drug Testing

Please note that drug testing may be in operation at this event.  All competitors not registered with the SASA, WASA or the ASA will require to sign an agreement to undergo tests in accordance with FINA law.  Completed forms (copies enclosed) must be submitted to the Information Desk on arrival.


Reserves for Finals

A maximum of TWO reserves will be nominated for the final.  All reserves must inform the recorders of their intention to swim or withdraw.  In the case of the nominated reserves withdrawing, no further competitors will be nominated.


Training Times

It may be possible to arrange some training times directly with the pool on Thursday 14th January.  This would be subject to availability.

Please contact:  The Duty Manager, Tollcross Park, Glasgow   Tel:  0141 276 0800



The pool management has requested that no outdoor shoes be worn on the poolside and that only coaches/team managers with a pass be allowed on the poolside to avoid congestion.  To allow for the smooth running of the Meet we ask that these requests are complied with. The pool staff also request that feet are dry before using the balcony stairs.


A small questionnaire is enclosed in your pack and we hope that you will find time to complete it and return it to the Association or Meet Information Desk.  Scottish Swimming wishes you a successful Championships and a pleasant stay in Glasgow.


Further information on coaches/swimmers passes will be issued with the swimmers passes.


Yours sincerely



Margaret Riach


 National Meets Convener