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Friday, 25 September 2009

Scottish Gas Investment Award

I am very pleased to report that Stirling Swimming have been successful in the submission that was made and will be awarded funding of £1500. I would like to congratulate Stirling Swimming on the strong partnerships that have been developed with Active Stirling/Stirling Council, Stirling University and SportCentral. In particular, we are very pleased with the introduction of the joint pre-club squad and look forward to hearing further progress on its success in the future.

In providing this award to Stirling Swimming, Scottish Swimming recognises that the club was one of the first clubs in Scotland to complete swiMark several years ago. We hope that Stirling Swimming will engage with Eilidh McCall-Lawrie (Regional Swimming Development Manager for Central, Tayside & Fife) and complete the revised swiMark process and will seek to be accredited at swiMark Plus.